N.E.H. Trailer
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What is New Era Humans (N.E.H.)?

Despite heresy accusations, two beautiful goddesses, one with long green hair, one with red, save men from galactic female supremacists...

eBook: What's Inside?
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What is inside N.E.H. eBook?

Watch this to experience our multimedia sci-fi with text, images, links, music and audio...

Featured: Soundtrack

Listen to all epic themes of characters, episodes and main themes from New Era Humans. Full music available for download. Update regularly.

N.E.H. Google Maps

New Era Humans (label) is available on Google Maps!

Go and check out these labels in a nearby location next to you!

Guide To Map Location

Thumbnails: Click to show a label's location in the map.

And a large image below the map shows the exact route to that label's location. Happy N.E.H. journey!

Support via Donation...

The creation of New Era Humans aims to save men, neglected publicly in reality, who suffers from all sorts of misandry and social unfairness. Your donation does maintain this mission. Help now!

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The goddesses say: Feel free to subscribe to New Era Humans for winning our multimedia gift(s) in a lucky draw, once a month. To participate, please write "subscribe for gift" in the message box below: